Streams, Rivers, Ponds and Fish

On a colorful fall weekend in October 2011, twenty-one women landowners headed out to Camp Susque in Trout Run, PA for the inaugural Women and Their Woods Educational Retreat.
This past September marked the 5th Women and Their Woods Educational Retreat hosted by the Delaware Highlands Conservancy. The event this year was held at the Highlights Family Foundation's Workshop Facility in scenic Wayne County, PA.
brought to you by the Virginia Forestry Association!
The stream meandered through forests and wetlands like a crystal clear thread. The stream was so clear you could easily see the rocks on the bottom and watch fish glide through the water. I now understand the relationship between healthy forests and streams that provide clean water, wildlife habitat and opportunities to relax and cool your feet on a hot day.
Thu, Sep 6, 2018 - 4:00 pm
until 3:00 pm
The Women and Their Woods Educational Retreat is an in-depth, fun, engaging, and thought-provoking workshop on caring for your woodlands now and into the future. No matter the size of your woodlands or if you’re not yet an owner, join us for four days and three nights of learning, networking, and applying new knowledge about good forest stewardship. Learn more about Women and Their Woods.
Did you know forests make great water? Or that some forest soils can absorb over 15” of rain/hour compared to a lawn which can absorb only an inch or less of water/hour while pavement doesn’t absorb any rain at all?
Tired of watching reruns on television? Check out this University of California Extension education series for woodland owners.