Timber Harvesting Do's and Don'ts

Barrie Brusila, forester and woodland owner

Forester and woodland owner Barrie Brusila of Mid-Maine Forestry in Warren, ME shares some of her lessons learned in a simple handout entitled "Timber Harvesting Do's and Don'ts."  


  • work with a licensed forester as your agent, unless you are very knowledgeable about the value of your woodland, market prices, contracts, realistic logging expectations, timber harvesting regulations, etc.
  • be clear about your objectives for timber harvesting
  • ideally, follow a written forest management plan
  • work with a reputable forester and logger
  • have well-written contracts with your forester and logger
  • if possible, look at other harvests conducted by a potential logger.  Go beyond the wood yard, and walk through the woods.  Ask yourself, "If this was my woodlot, would I be satisfied?"
  • make sure your boundary lines are well-marked
  • remember that the skill/attitude of the logger, and season of harvest are more important than the size/type of equipment used
  • work with a logger who is skilled at both business practices and on-the-job logging


  • have timber harvested without a written contract
  • have a poorly written contract
  • choose a logger simply because he is a relative or friend
  • be lured by what seems to be very high stumpage prices
  • assume that smaller equipment = a better job
  • expect both extraordinarily high payments and an extremely meticulous job
  • believe a logger who makes a point of telling you that you don't need a forester
  • be lured by generic solicitations/form letters from loggers

If you have questions about these "Timber Harvesting Do's and Don'ts," you can reach Barrie at (207)273-4046 or [email protected].