Streams, Rivers, Ponds and Fish

Article by guest author Pam Wells
How tailgate tree parties with professional teams helped create a detailed forest management plan, 180 acres of pre-commercial thinning, roadwork repair, and the hope of stream habitat improvement for salmon and trout.
What macroinvertebrates do you have in your stream? As a good indicator of stream health, you may want to find what lives in your stream.
We didn't think our creek had any fish because a section goes dry every summer. But looks are deceiving. Recently scientists conducting field surveys in our area, confirmed that we do have trout.
Land and water. We always talk about them together, but why?
The reason is simple: to care for the land is to care for the water.
Join the 2013 class of women forest landowners for a four-day workshop full of exciting educational programs and field trips related to the care and management of forestland. Women from across the Mid-Atlantic region who own, care for, or are interested in learning more about forestland are encouraged to attend. The workshop takes place from September 26-September 29.